Parking lot in Redlands, California
To revitalize the worn asphalt lot at a Redlands community hospital, sponsored by a major healthcare provider, this project utilized StreetBond DuraShield with Invisible Shade™ technology to create a cooler, more comfortable experience for patients, visitors, and hospital employees.

Parking lot in Redlands, California
To revitalize the worn asphalt lot at a Redlands community hospital, sponsored by a major healthcare provider, this project utilized StreetBond DuraShield with Invisible Shade™ technology to create a cooler, more comfortable experience for patients, visitors, and hospital employees.

Parking lot in Redlands, California
To revitalize the worn asphalt lot at a Redlands community hospital, sponsored by a major healthcare provider, this project utilized StreetBond DuraShield with Invisible Shade™ technology to create a cooler, more comfortable experience for patients, visitors, and hospital employees.
Highlight parking lot features with vibrant colorants
Parking lots don't have to be uncomfortable and disorganized. Revitalize surface lots by creating a more efficient parking lot with top of the line pavement coatings, parking lot line paint, and thermoplastic markings that comply with all MUTCD specifications.